Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Sword

Sadly The Sword has no definition at the moment.  I will update with that as soon as I have it.

Friday, April 4, 2014

My first 100!

Yesterday I woke up to an amazing surprise.  Friends of mine actually donated 100 dollars to my gofundme!  I almost choked on my cereal when I read the email.  As it is, that is enough for 200 cards and colored ink for the printer!  100 down 150 to go!  But, if there's more then brilliant!  That means some special edged cards as well!

Sooooo....... donate!  Or pass the word!  Please!  Go Fund Me! Please!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Dragon

The Dragon

The Dragon is a beast of unimaginable depth and power.  The Dragon, if you are able to connect with the beast, lends strength, knowledge, and courage to face what may come.  They are teachers, guardians, and guides.  They will not tell you straight up what you want to know, they will lead you to discover what you need to know before leading you to what you want to know. 

Ruler of all the elements these creatures hold power over fire, earth, air and water.  They know and connect to the world around them because they are as old as the elements. They use their instincts to restore themselves and in turn restore you through the use of the elements.  If you’re in a creative funk their guidance may help push you toward the path you should be going to get yourself out of it.

In essence, The Dragon will guide you, guard you, and inspire you.  Keep them close and they may be able to show you things you’ve never noticed before.

 When the card is reversed you have lost the guidance that had been with you, you have shunned the one that would protect you.  You’ve withdrawn yourself from the connection and in a slump.  The world around you is less vibrant and things are hidden from you that if you had your guide you would have noticed.

If you would like this card as a print I do have some at my store EJCrouse.  Please, check it out!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Card Example 6

Info here to what exactly this card is and what I need from you guys.  The Curls Creatures set of my art was a very cathartic when I was making them.  They not only come in black but I can make them in any color anyone wants.  They are very simple and elegant.

If the greeting cards do well I would really like to be able to set up a small studio at some point where I can screen print several prints of these.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Card Example #5

Info here to what exactly this card is and what I need from you guys.  This is the Fifth example I finished and test printed.  It is quite lovely printed!  I just need you guys to help either spread the word or donate!  You can see more prints like this and better prints to come!

Another one for the Unitarian Universalist Church.  I just felt like they didn't have a lot of art for them and decided to try my hand.  I may not be part of their church but I do like their beliefs and what they stand for.  For those of you out there who are part of the UU please, tell me what you think and throw out ideas to me.  I love suggestions!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Card Example #4

Info here to what exactly this card is and what I need from you guys.  This is the fourth example I finished and test printed.  It is quite lovely printed!  I just need you guys to help either spread the word or donate!  You can see more prints like this and better prints to come!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Card Example three

Info here to what exactly this card is and what I need from you guys.  This is the third example I finished and test printed.  It is quite lovely printed!  I just need you guys to help either spread the word or donate!  You can see more prints like this and better prints to come!

Another one for the Unitarian Universalist Church.  I just felt like they didn't have a lot of art for them and decided to try my hand.  I may not be part of their church but I do like their beliefs and what they stand for.  For those of you out there who are part of the UU please, tell me what you think and throw out ideas to me.  I love suggestions!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Card Example #2!

Info here to what exactly this card is and what I need from you guys.  This is the second example I finished and test printed.  It is quite lovely printed!  I just need you guys to help either spread the word or donate!  You can see more prints like this and better prints to come!

This one is for the Unitarian Universalist Church.  I just felt like they didn't have a lot of art for them and decided to try my hand.  I may not be part of their church but I do like their beliefs and what they stand for.  For those of you out there who are part of the UU please, tell me what you think and throw out ideas to me.  I love suggestions!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Card Example 1

Info here to what exactly this card is and what I need from you guys.  This is the first example I finished and test printed.  It's amazing!  I just need you guys to help either spread the word or donate!  You can see more prints like this and better prints to come!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

GoFundme! Pass it on!

One day my brilliant partner and muse came up with the suggestion of actually creating blank greeting cards with some of my artwork.  Thought about it and thought about it and took it to heart and figured, why the hell not!

So, with a few designs, a few estimations and a bit of testing.  I think I finally have things down to the basics to try this out!  They are going to be wide and varied sources, probably mostly nature and fantasy, with a bit of fan art if the moment is right.  There will also be some UU cards as well seeing as there seems to be a large lacking of cards for the church out there.  And while I may not be part of the church, I would like to give something to them in the form of some art and cards that aren't out there for them.

The cards will start out as blank cards, the only text, if any will be on the outside of the card and part of the art work. Further down the like I'd like to incorporate text into the inside but that's going to be a little while coming.

The estimated 250 dollars is the cost covering 400 cards to start out, ink for my poor, poor printer which is running excruciatingly low, shipping and product packaging.  If I raise more then it also goes to a printer that will be strictly for printing cards only.  If I get even more then I can branch out into cards with pre-colored edging!  Which to me is very exciting!

The cards are the typical 5" x 6 7-8" and come with envelopes. Fluorescent White or Ivory.  I can work with the announcement sized cards as well which are 3 1/2" x 4 7/8".  The paper is a very nice, rigid, 80lb paper that has a wonderful feel to it.  I've run several test prints and the colors are amazing.

So, please look into it and if you don't donate at least pass the link on!  It would be a great help!

gofundme! Please!