Monday, July 25, 2011

Work work work....

As an update to everyone I finally did get a job for the last of the summer.  I am officially an member of House Keeping at the the Marriott hotel here in Morgantown WV.  I must say, we seem to be the cleanest hotel here and top rated.  Amazing right?  lol I just don't care honestly.  It's a job so it's more money than I was making which was nothing.  Soooo minimum wage compared to nada so I can't complain too much.  They will probably be depressed that I'm going to leave as soon as school starts but I can't keep this job and go to classes.  I'd only get maybe an hour to two hours a day and that just doesn't work.  Especially when I'd get paid more than 8 something, close to 9  or more when I go back to the cafe.  The only good thing about housekeeping though is the air conditioning.  lol

I've been doodling a bit but not a lot lately.  The heat wave has totally killed me this week especially since I had to walk in it around 10 and 2-4 which is the hottest part of the day of course.  Not too happy about that.

Anyway.... I have had an idea for a story running through my head about witches' familiars and the such.  I thought it would be an interesting change.  I know there is a series out there about familiars already but I'm kind of intrigued by the idea.  I was even thinking of re-purposing a few of my old comic characters into characters of the stories.  The comics would probably still go on as little inbetweens but I'm not completely sure about it all.

I have almost finished two more cards as well!  I just have to cut them out because I haven't done that yet.  But this makes 15 cards if I haven't said it before.  I'm excited.  I can't wait to work on a few more here soon but I'm hitting an art block so it's kind of hard.  Not too happy about it.  Oh well.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jobless No More!

As of last week I had an interview and was hired for a job starting Tuesday!  I'm pretty excited actually because I haven't had a job yet this summer.  It's not like I hadn't been putting in apps either.  I've put in several of them and all I did was just walk in with this new job and she said come in tomorrow!  I know it's only house keeping at a hotel but it's better than nothing.  I'll be able to actually not have to dip into my savings constantly.  Go me!

I'm 15 cards into my Oracle deck and will probably start posting them here soon.  At least I think I'll want to soon at least.  I'm in love with these cards.  I wish I could get the descriptions done properly because what I have so far isn't going well.

Let's see.... I'm almost done two silk screened cards.  I need the backs of them but I just don't feel like doing them at the moment.

I really need to get started on my idea for a print exchange.  I need to create a landscape and a creature to go with it and start with the ground rules of the exchange.  Possibly look into asking some artists from Deviantart that do prints to create something.  Of course, I'm not keeping it to just prints.  I'm opening it to everyone.

Hm... I also have a slight story idea going on in my head.  I may have to write the ideas down before I forget them.  And I pity many of the comic characters that I've created.  They're going to be in it though it's more serious than I thought to be at first.  More later when I figure more things

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Comics and Weirdness

So I do have a comic for you.  Finally after ages.  I've had these done but not on the computer.  And then I had to fix it and color it and yeah.... I'm just making excuses at this rate.  I haven't had a lot of positive energy behind my working lately so that's probably why I don't really have anything.  It happens sometimes and I just loose focus or inspiration.  I have my beautiful muse but she can only tolerate my arty stuff for only so long. lol

I love my comic characters because they just get into so much.

In other news and weirdness I had gone up to the Creative Arts Center to work on a few things and I got what I needed done, done.  Cleaned a few things out of my drawer, excess prints and what not.  Organized a few things and got my screen exposed.  So I got that done.  Seeing as there was nothing else I could do at the moment I headed back.  Between the CAC and my apartment is the PRT station.  If you don't know what it is, goody for you.  It's evil and old and just horrible all over though I depend on it a lot.

And omg, we even have a wiki for it! Unbelievable and totally laughable.

Anyway, this isn't about the PRT.  I was walking past the PRT and someone was walking toward me.  I had my fiance's ipod on like I usually do because I don't like to walk without something playing in the background.  Well this person looked like she was going to talk to me or ask me a question so I paused and took my headphones out.

"Who do you think you are for telling them about me?"  *me blinking and looking highly confused* "You had no right to tell them about.  Especially since you are walking around like the prostitute that you are!"  *me looking even more confused, saying nothing and deciding that I'm just going to walk away at this point while putting in my headphones once again and turning up the music to something by Owl City*

She continued the rant and I didn't get it all because let's face it, who'd want to be ranted at like that?  Well, I did turn around when I hit the cross walk and she was waving her coffee mug at me and still ranting at me from all the way back where I left her.

Geez..... I thought I was off but that was just a little too much!  *huffs*  I most certainly am not a prostitute either!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Something Old

So, not a lot new for me to post.  I didn't get one job I was interviewed for but that's not a huge shocker there.  I expected it.  Thanks to anyone who was hoping for me to get it.  I really appreciate it.

Anyway,  a bit of art here and there was done.  I admit, I read fanfiction and enjoy a good bit of it.  I found one on DeviantArt by chance that I found interesting and started doing fan art for.  I couldn't help but be inspired.  So I got two done and a lot of people have liked it.  It boosted my mood a bit so I'm ok with not getting a job.

Now, onto something old.  A comic that I just find amusing. It was for a project for class I had and the theme was Apocalypse. I chose Random Bunny because he's just so much fun to draw. By far he and Tea are my favorite characters. 

Anyway..... RB loves to rant and he is perfect for it.  And when the apocalypse failed his swearing was just fun to come up with!

Yes, be amazed at my poor comic style/coloring.  But it's mine so nyah!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Untitled story Preview

So ages ago I started writing a story inspired by Indigo children mostly.  If you know about Indigo children kudos to you.  For those of you who don't then here it is.  Indigo children are thought to be a generation or generations of children whom have a higher than normal psychic abilities.  Usually they grow out of it but sometimes the abilities stick with them.  I thought of a world where they found children with these abilities and offered them the chance to train and use their abilities for good.  Anyway, it has to title of the such because it is just so hard to think of one that's appropriate because I'm not sure if this will even get finished.

Please, enjoy this snippet. It's just the first chapter but it's still something.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I swear I have stuff!

So, I'm still alive and home for the weekend.  A fabulous three day weekend that is my Birthday.  Joy of joys right?  I'm another year older and yet I don't feel any wiser. lol

I've been working a bit on some art, but not a lot.  I don't seem to feel like working but I know I should push myself to at least do a little here and there.  Whether it be writing or drawing.  Or even reading over a few things to fix mistakes.  Doing something is still doing something.

I did accomplish making a comic the other day and I really kind of want to get it up at some point.  All of them because A lot of people love them.  And I can't help but love Random Bunny.  He's amusing because he can say what I'm thinking and no one really cares.  He's a cartoon!  lol

I've begun to think about maybe posting snippets of an old fiction story that I'd started years ago here.  The only reason I'd do that is maybe it might help me get into finishing it.  I've been no where near it for years and personally I would like to share with a few people to see what comes of it.  And maybe I'd draw a scene or two from the story.  I've gotten better with drawing since then and would like to test it out.  We'll see though.  Nothing is ever really final with me.

Now, back to my book!