Saturday, May 12, 2012

Finally! Happy Days!

I'm Graduating!  I'm finally done!

I just want to thank my family and my fiance who've backed me during this whole deal.  My fiance may not be happy with what I chose but I'll make it up to her at some point!   She's ecstatic that I don't have to take one more class.  She be even happier when I get a job though.  Over the moon if it's even my degree.  I'll make it work.  

Friday, May 11, 2012

Review - Veiled by S.B.Niccum

Veiled (Veiled #1)Veiled by S.B. Niccum
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I wasn't sure what to expect when I got this story. Interesting concept. One I've never read before so I thought I'd give it a try.

I've never really been one for angels but this was something new. It started out slow, almost boring to me. I had to force myself to finish part of it though. I just wasn't so interested in it as much as some other stories I've had a hand in reading. I must say though I honestly didn't mind the end. The thought of love that strong. Wow.

I did like that the story wasn't a religious book in a sense. Eternals, Angels, Seraphs, and Cherubs. The First and the Second. Interesting concepts but not preachy.

All in all it's interesting. Not very spectacular or worth a five star. But three is good. Three is very good when I just wanted to read it to get through it.

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