Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Review : Wool by Hug Howey

For generations, they've lived underground, looking out at the bleak world as it gets blurrier. The only way to preserve that view is to go outside and clean, but to go to cleaning is to go to death. That's why they have a system. A brutal code. And Sheriff Holston, after a lifetime of serving that code, has now broken it.

Ok, this was one of those buys that was an impulse buy because my curiosity won out.  And it was .99 cents soooo why not!   As soon as I started reading it, I knew I wouldn't put it down.  It is short and oh so bitter sweet to the end.  I'm not going to give anything away but it's a must read if you like the apocalyptic story.  Since it's a quick read you can really get it off your list quickly with no problem.  Yet, it still kind of leaves you wanting more.  Which, in my opinion, is a good thing. 

A five out of five stars on my scale!

Cross posted to Amazon and goodreads!


Yay!  Another review!  I'm estatic!  I love doing this sometimes.  And now I'm off to read another book, possibly draw a bit more and hopefully get to bed at a decent time.  More than likely not. lol

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

No I'm not dead...

Like it said, I'm not dead yet.  I just feel like it.  I've been sick the past week or so and I was doing ok until this morning.  Losing my voice and I wonder if I shouldn't just go to the doctor now.  Throat is really sore and it's cheaper for me to go to the student health than any where else.  Kinda worried about my throat.  And really, I don't want it to get worse.  I'll see how I feel as the day continues.

Anyway, more reviews are coming your way.  As soon as I remember what I read.....  I do remember reading Wool by Hugh Howey.  I bought it from amazon when it was .99 cents and it looked quite interesting.  And it was!  Depressing and interesting.  So that review should be up hopefully this week.  I haven't read much this week so I need to read more.  Of course, that means I need to download the books from my kindle on the computer to my Kindle.  lol

I will more than likely start posting my cards that I've been working on too.  I've decided maybe that would help me finish the rest.  I've just been lazy and haven't done it.  Which is depressing.  I'm really excited about these cards and excited to possibly have my fiance help me with all the little details.  She's good at that.

And Etsy shop should open soon for some of my knitted stuff.  I've sold one set of gloves, had a commission for another set and have been knitting scarves from the fun fur yarn.  I can't think of anything else to do with it so it's just scarves for right now.  The shop will probably also have my fiance's works as well when she's able to get to them and possibly prints of mine.  The tea cups are adorable and I kinda want to work on more of them.

I think that's all for now.  I can't think of anything else to write before work.  Remember to keep an eye out for the review on Wool.

Monday, November 7, 2011

B.P.R.D.: Being Human

With B.P.R.D.: Being Human we get a small view of stories of the team. There is the backstory of Liz, a small snippet of Abe, Roger (whom I've never actually met before in a story) and a Johann Kraus. We find more of Liz's past, see into Roger's internal battle about humanity when he and Hellboy mix with a voodoo woman bent on revenge, the heart wretching guilt that Abe has over the deaths of his teammates, and the 'birth' of Johann Kraus into his spirit form.

I will not lie, I squealed(partly to myself so my partner wouldn't think me nuts) happily when I recieved this. I've been excited about more of The Dark Horse Comics and Dark Horse in general has become a favorite of mine and I'm more than willing to keep looking into their publishings from now on. I think my three favorite characters are Liz, Hellboy of course and Abe. That may not change but I do enjoy reading about back stories and other characters. 

I've always been one who wants to know more about the characters within the stories and this still has me wanting more. Enough of a plot, slight character development, and fantastic art has me wanting more. I will more than likely keep my eye out for more Hellboy novels to review or even to buy!


Still trying to figure out how to get rid of all the highlighted text.  Not working well.  I'll figure it out sooner or later.  lol. I need to post more reviews so I can keep this place up.  Maybe I'll post some art soon.  I'm hoping to at least.  Maybe I'll post some of my fiance's pictures.  She's taken a few that are pretty stunning.  

Now, I'm off to be miserable with my stuffy head and what I hope is just allergies.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Review : Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things

Courtney Crumrin was forced by her parents to move to her great uncle's home, or was it her great, great uncle? No one's quite sure to be honest but all Courtney can remember of her times there before were that the place was quite odd and it hasn't gotten any better. And as uninviting as his home is, her great uncle is just as uninviting. As she stays in the house of her Uncle Crumrin she has many adventures, or misadventures while living there and she learns quite a lot about herself and her uncle. 

Curiosity got the best of me with this one. The cover grabbed my attention, as did the description. What in the world could a girl looking like her be doing dealing with a creature like that? And I must say, this one didn't let me down. Courtney is a crass young girl that won my heart over. If you had parents like her's you would be too. 

She has no friends but I kind of like how she starts to get along with her Great Uncle. And she has a lot to learn from him when dealing with the world of magic. 

All in all, I'd read this again in a heart beat. And even though I received this from netgalley I would consider purchasing this because I do find it a wonderful read.


Yes!  Another review.  I need to post more.  It will happen I just need to push myself to do it.  Expect another soon.  I just got more books from netgalley.  I seem to love that site now.  Now to do dishes and then a bit of laundry before a shower and then falling into bed before I fall asleep here on my couch. lol

On a side note, I will try to get my reviews to not... highlight, when I post.  I just haven't had time to mess with it all.