Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Review : Knits for Nerds

Knits for Nerds: 30 Projects for Fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Comic BooksKnits for Nerds: 30 Projects for Fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Comic Books by a.k.a Toni Carr Joan of Dark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I will admit that I am a coward with trying to know new items. I feel like I'm only just a beginner that's stuck at the beginner level. But looking at these knits I feel as if I need to try these!

This book has a little for everyone and honestly, I really enjoy that. It has wonderful color photos showing examples of the works completely. There are little snippets of the inspirations behind the works as well. There are size varients and suggestions for working the projects which is quite helpful.

I'd recommend this book to anyone honestly.

View all my reviews

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

To all of you who ever read this, Merry Christmas!  I hope to have reviews of the five new books I received as gifts up as soon as I'm done reading them.  I also hope your day is better than mine has been......

Monday, December 19, 2011

Book Review : Blood Rights

Blood Rights (House of Comarré, #1)Blood Rights by Kristen Painter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The lacy gold mapped her entire body. A finely-wrought filigree of stars, vines, flowers, butterflies, ancient symbols and words ran from her feet, up her legs, over her narrow waist, spanned her chest and finished down her arms to the tips of her fingers.

Born into a life of secrets and service, Chrysabelle’s body bears the telltale marks of a comarrĂ©—a special race of humans bred to feed vampire nobility. When her patron is murdered, she becomes the prime suspect, which sends her running into the mortal world…and into the arms of Malkolm, an outcast vampire cursed to kill every being from whom he drinks.

Now Chrysabelle and Malkolm must work together to stop a plot to merge the mortal and supernatural worlds. If they fail, a chaos unlike anything anyone has ever seen will threaten to reign.

An unbelievable story honestly. Starts from the beginning with a mystery and ends fantastically.

I'm always wary when it comes to vampire books anymore. Twilight has killed my want to really peruse the field of vampire stories. But when I won this one I gave it a go. I couldn't put it down! I couldn't wait till I got to end of the story. But I must say I was quite disappointed when it did end.

The jumping around of the story was a bit confusing to be honest. The story changed different point of views several times but after I read a bit more I got pretty used to it all. The mystery behind the characters was quite fascinating. I did not expect the twist at the end of the story either. It wasn't just one, or two but three! The answer to the main reason why Chrysabelle is on the run is reveals and it blew me away. I literally pouted when the story was over. I can't wait to read the second book of the series!

View all my reviews


Well, you have to admit that I do need to post more. Maybe I'll try to post another review that I need to post. I read the story only a couple weeks ago and just never posted anything. Anyway..... May do a blog hop here at some point. I kind of need more followers if I want to review early copies from netgalley. So many books that I'd want to read from them and I can't because I don't have enough viewers. Which stinks. But I'm a loser and I don't update as often as I should. Anyway.... I'm off for a shower then bed soon. I've got a headache that seems to want to linger and has lingered for a couple hours or so. Good night everyone!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Review : Wool 2 - Proper Gauge

Wool 2: Proper GaugeWool 2: Proper Gauge by Hugh Howey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wool 2 - Proper Gauge was fantastic! It started right where the first left off. A cleaning has been performed, and now the silo is without a sheriff. With only one good candidate available, Mayor Jahns and Deputy Marnes set off for the Down Deep to recruit her in person. Along the way, they discover much about each other, troubling news about this candidate, and stumble upon fractured alliances that could spell the doom of a silo they've worked long years to protect.

I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book. When I heard there was another I bought it immediately. I found that it lived up to what I expected from the author. I enjoyed getting to know the Mayor more and learning more about her past along with the Deputy. I also had been curious with how the Silo had been set up and how exactly it worked. It was refreshing though depressing all the same. I will admit too that I couldn't help but curse at the end. It left so much open and though I am happy with how it ended somewhat, I couldn't believe it ended the way it did. I cannot wait till the next of this set. I really need to know what happens!

Cross posted to Amazon and my blog. http://madnessbreedsinspiration.blogspot...

View all my reviews

Blast me and my forgetfulness! I apologize to those who couldn't really make out anything. I'm still getting used to the html on this sorry excuse for a blog.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Look, Art!

So, woke up this morning feeling pretty good.  I would have fallen back to sleep but my bladder decided to try an pop.  Which really isn't cool, especially when I was quite content to lay with my girlfriend and stay cuddled.  

So, got up, went pee and decided to check the nets like I usually do.  Amazingly I didn't play any games so that was a plus.  I did read a bit and try and figure out what we were going to do today.  And I decided that this morning I was going to draw something and I bloody well did.  It wasn't detailed or anything but it was something.  I hadn't doodled a lot in a while I thought I just need to do it.  Well, when Traci finally got up we both read a bit more and we decided to order foods.  I should have cooked something but I didn't know what so it was Chinese.

We got our food and started playing Boarderlands for the Xbox 360.  It was going good until there at the end of our gaming session when I started to feel off.  Thinking it was me just being motion sick I thought just sitting about for awhile would help.  Nope.  Didn't at all.  Ended up praying to the keeper of the toilet.  Not good. I know I fell asleep at one point on the couch hoping that after that I'd feel better but nope..... Didn't happen.  

Anyway.... still feeling off and another bought of being sick and I'm doing a little better.  Not the best.  I feel kinda bad because Traci's had to fend for herself this evening with foods and what not.  She's hoping it's not a stomach bug and so am I because she's had it more than I.  With my luck it's been food poisoning or something.  What ever it is, I don't like it at all.

Anyway, onto the art!  Because you guys probably don't care about how I feel.   The squibble beastie started out with just a scribble.  That was the shape of the head mostly.  The rest came from there.  I just wanted a quick deal.  No details that were too time consuming.  Chose the colors at random.  I think it's cute.  I just need to try and keep this up.  Sooner or later these these doodles will show up more.
Squibble Beastie

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Book review : Friends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks

Friends with BoysFriends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I adored this graphic novel. Maggie is the typical girl who grew up with older brothers and I could kind of relate to her. I grew up being closer to the guys than the other girls. I guess I could relate to them more since I liked guy things more than girly things. Her brothers seemed like a few guys I'd hang out with as well when I was in high school

I really liked the art work with this graphic novel. It was simplistic. I love simplistic art that is emotive on it's own level. Some artists get overly complicated. I'm completely jealous that these artists make it look so easy!

I kind of like how the characters react with each other. It's not the typical 'everything's ok' sort of story. There are problems in it and a few of the problems do get solved. I'm still curious about the ghost though. She seemed so sad and Maggie only wants to help her. I really want to know why her brothers can see the ghost as well. Is it a huge family secret or something? I'd be really willing to get the second book when it ever comes out. I'm definitely going to try to follow this writer as well. I'm very fond of comics on the net and was excited to learn she has a site!

Cross posted to goodreads and netgalley!

View all my reviews

Look! I did it again! lol I figured it out finally. Quite proud of myself and I can't wait to post again. I need to go through what I read though and make sure I have a review for it. That might be the hard part.

I'm also thinking of maybe trying to post a sketch every once in a while. I need to get back into the habit of doing that.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Review : Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

Keep your head down. 
Don't get noticed.
Or else.

Inside Out (Insider, #1)Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was quite confused when I started reading this book. I didn't remember when exactly I got this story. I'm glad I did though. I didn't give it a five star review because, well..... I'm going to put it simply. Not all books I like deserve it all the time.

Inside Out was well written. First person is sometimes hard to get into but I did like the character of Trella a lot though. She had such a strong personality that I couldn't help but like her. Her development throughout the story was quite wonderful. I like when it takes a whole book for a character to realize they've changed. It definitely builds something about it.

I guess I'm just a bit of a stickler for happy endings and of course, this story had a somewhat happy ending. But knowing there is more really just kills me. I can't wait to read the second book!

Cross posted to:
Amazon and my blog Madness Breeds Insanity and Goodreads

View all my reviews ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Look ma! I figured it out! Go me! I'm hoping to roll more of these out. I should have reviewed another book before this but.... I've been lazy. Too lazy. I'm off to do something or other.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Review : Wool by Hug Howey

For generations, they've lived underground, looking out at the bleak world as it gets blurrier. The only way to preserve that view is to go outside and clean, but to go to cleaning is to go to death. That's why they have a system. A brutal code. And Sheriff Holston, after a lifetime of serving that code, has now broken it.

Ok, this was one of those buys that was an impulse buy because my curiosity won out.  And it was .99 cents soooo why not!   As soon as I started reading it, I knew I wouldn't put it down.  It is short and oh so bitter sweet to the end.  I'm not going to give anything away but it's a must read if you like the apocalyptic story.  Since it's a quick read you can really get it off your list quickly with no problem.  Yet, it still kind of leaves you wanting more.  Which, in my opinion, is a good thing. 

A five out of five stars on my scale!

Cross posted to Amazon and goodreads!


Yay!  Another review!  I'm estatic!  I love doing this sometimes.  And now I'm off to read another book, possibly draw a bit more and hopefully get to bed at a decent time.  More than likely not. lol

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

No I'm not dead...

Like it said, I'm not dead yet.  I just feel like it.  I've been sick the past week or so and I was doing ok until this morning.  Losing my voice and I wonder if I shouldn't just go to the doctor now.  Throat is really sore and it's cheaper for me to go to the student health than any where else.  Kinda worried about my throat.  And really, I don't want it to get worse.  I'll see how I feel as the day continues.

Anyway, more reviews are coming your way.  As soon as I remember what I read.....  I do remember reading Wool by Hugh Howey.  I bought it from amazon when it was .99 cents and it looked quite interesting.  And it was!  Depressing and interesting.  So that review should be up hopefully this week.  I haven't read much this week so I need to read more.  Of course, that means I need to download the books from my kindle on the computer to my Kindle.  lol

I will more than likely start posting my cards that I've been working on too.  I've decided maybe that would help me finish the rest.  I've just been lazy and haven't done it.  Which is depressing.  I'm really excited about these cards and excited to possibly have my fiance help me with all the little details.  She's good at that.

And Etsy shop should open soon for some of my knitted stuff.  I've sold one set of gloves, had a commission for another set and have been knitting scarves from the fun fur yarn.  I can't think of anything else to do with it so it's just scarves for right now.  The shop will probably also have my fiance's works as well when she's able to get to them and possibly prints of mine.  The tea cups are adorable and I kinda want to work on more of them.

I think that's all for now.  I can't think of anything else to write before work.  Remember to keep an eye out for the review on Wool.

Monday, November 7, 2011

B.P.R.D.: Being Human

With B.P.R.D.: Being Human we get a small view of stories of the team. There is the backstory of Liz, a small snippet of Abe, Roger (whom I've never actually met before in a story) and a Johann Kraus. We find more of Liz's past, see into Roger's internal battle about humanity when he and Hellboy mix with a voodoo woman bent on revenge, the heart wretching guilt that Abe has over the deaths of his teammates, and the 'birth' of Johann Kraus into his spirit form.

I will not lie, I squealed(partly to myself so my partner wouldn't think me nuts) happily when I recieved this. I've been excited about more of The Dark Horse Comics and Dark Horse in general has become a favorite of mine and I'm more than willing to keep looking into their publishings from now on. I think my three favorite characters are Liz, Hellboy of course and Abe. That may not change but I do enjoy reading about back stories and other characters. 

I've always been one who wants to know more about the characters within the stories and this still has me wanting more. Enough of a plot, slight character development, and fantastic art has me wanting more. I will more than likely keep my eye out for more Hellboy novels to review or even to buy!


Still trying to figure out how to get rid of all the highlighted text.  Not working well.  I'll figure it out sooner or later.  lol. I need to post more reviews so I can keep this place up.  Maybe I'll post some art soon.  I'm hoping to at least.  Maybe I'll post some of my fiance's pictures.  She's taken a few that are pretty stunning.  

Now, I'm off to be miserable with my stuffy head and what I hope is just allergies.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Review : Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things

Courtney Crumrin was forced by her parents to move to her great uncle's home, or was it her great, great uncle? No one's quite sure to be honest but all Courtney can remember of her times there before were that the place was quite odd and it hasn't gotten any better. And as uninviting as his home is, her great uncle is just as uninviting. As she stays in the house of her Uncle Crumrin she has many adventures, or misadventures while living there and she learns quite a lot about herself and her uncle. 

Curiosity got the best of me with this one. The cover grabbed my attention, as did the description. What in the world could a girl looking like her be doing dealing with a creature like that? And I must say, this one didn't let me down. Courtney is a crass young girl that won my heart over. If you had parents like her's you would be too. 

She has no friends but I kind of like how she starts to get along with her Great Uncle. And she has a lot to learn from him when dealing with the world of magic. 

All in all, I'd read this again in a heart beat. And even though I received this from netgalley I would consider purchasing this because I do find it a wonderful read.


Yes!  Another review.  I need to post more.  It will happen I just need to push myself to do it.  Expect another soon.  I just got more books from netgalley.  I seem to love that site now.  Now to do dishes and then a bit of laundry before a shower and then falling into bed before I fall asleep here on my couch. lol

On a side note, I will try to get my reviews to not... highlight, when I post.  I just haven't had time to mess with it all.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hellboy : House of the Living Dead

I admit, I have not read many comics, graphic novels or whatever they're called any more. But I am a fan of Hellboy. When I saw this, I just had to try and read it to see if I'd be into the graphic novel scene. I read, I loved and I'm willing to read more!

Hellboy goes missing in the 1950's only to be found in Mexico hanging out in bars after a friend luchador is killed by vampires. He's asked by a man to help save a girl and ends up ensnared in a plot by what can only be called a Mexican Dr. Frankenstien and forced to fight. In the end the man that tricked Hellboy reveals his dark secret, and innocent dies, and vampires rear their ugly heads.

I will definitely be reading more Hellboy stories in the future. I didn't want to stop when I started. Even though it was a small comic, I'd still reread it and suggest it to others. 


Yes, I'm a Hellboy fiend.  Loved the movies, loved this comic.  I will be hunting for more now.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I just have to post this because I'm amazed.  I've never had so many people visit this little blog before.  It made me so excited to see it and stunned.  Who knew that I'd get this many people in such a small time.  Small things amuse me and this is one of them.

So I'm going to go back to my knitting, my amazing Cherry Almond black tea and giggle excitedly at this blog.

Review : Daughter of Centaurs

In a world where dystopian meets fantasy this book was an interesting concept.  We follow a young human girl into the bush of what could be an African savanna of modern time after her whole village is decimated. Her only companion left from her father and the village she loved is a horse.  Along the way the two pick up more horses and she finds herself taking care of a whole herd of horses she lovingly thinks of as her boys and girls.  She and the herd are trapped by a group of Centaurs. They take her to the Highlands where they live and her life changes.

I found this book to be fascinating.  I couldn't put it down.  It was a good read but some of the parts fell a little flat.  The development of the main character was quite nice but the other characters were a little flat.  The horses were more interesting than the Centaurs which is depressing.  Though I got the feeling that the Centaurs, at least the Highlanders, were more or less the idealistic philosophers of the age of the Greeks and Romans.  The were too frivolous and airy to care about the others below them for my liking.  Though I must say, this book left me wanting more.  I would surely read the next book that comes out.


Yep.  Another review.  I need to crank out another soon because I'm such a loser that I'm lazy.  I'm pretty sure I stink at writing reviews but I'm doing it anyway because I can.  Ha!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Book Review - Intrinsical

Sixteen-year-old Yara Silva has always known that ghosts walk alongside the living. Her grandma, like the other females in her family, is a Waker, someone who can see and communicate with ghosts. Yara grew up watching her grandmother taunted and scorned for this unusual ability and doesn't want that to be her future. She has been dreading the day when she too would see ghosts, and is relieved that the usually dominant Waker gene seems to have skipped her, letting her live a normal teenage life. However, all that changes for Yara on her first day at her elite boarding school when she discovers the gene was only lying dormant. She witnesses a dark mist attack Brent, a handsome fellow student, and rushes to his rescue. Her act of heroism draws the mist's attention, and the dark spirit begins stalking her. Yara finds herself entrenched in a sixty-year-old curse that haunts the school, threatening not only her life, but the lives of her closest friends as well. Yara soon realizes that the past she was trying to put behind her isn't going to go quietly.


I could barely put this book down.  I had decided to just begin reading this after it had sat on my computer then my kindle for ages.  The plot was interesting, though it seemed to be the usual boy-meets-girl-it-was-meant-to-be type romance with a paranormal twist.  I couldn't put it down though I'm not much into romances.  It was more than that though.  A terrifying curse with a terrifying spirit attached kept things interesting.  I enjoyed the family history of Yara, the main character.  It wasn't too much but it was just enough.  I would totally reread this again and that's saying something.  If I want to reread it, it's worth it!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rage: After the Impact Review

The Rage caught my attention.  A doomed human race because of an asteroid, the military trying to control those that have survived with creatures they created.  After waking from cryo sleep Elizabeth finds that her husband and son have died before she woke.  Colonel Jesse Casey has been forcing Elizabeth since he found her after waking to work on controlling monsters who've mutated from a substance called feltrite brought by the asteroid that almost destroyed the Earth.  Elizabeth finds out the truth and escapes with an old coworker only to set off to find out what she can do to stop Colonel Casey.

So not a good summary but I'm quite ok with this read.  I expected the blood, the guts and most of the gore from this series.  An interesting take on what happens when the military takes over.  But for me it's just a new twist on an old story.  Something for those who love graphic novels based off of the video games.  Like Doom and what not.  I'll stick to my fantasy and fiction novels.

Simple things make me happy.

Simple things like changing my desktop to a fall theme can make me happy, especially since I've been feeling a little under the weather lately. I think it's a head cold and it's making me feel icky as hell. Runny nose, light headed and a sore throat. So a bright and colorful picture of fall leaves perked me up a little. And knitting fingerless gloves. Yesh..... I'm sick and don't want to move much so knitting and naps are a major must for me now. lol

And at least the bright colors brighten my day because I feel I've bombed one of my art history tests. I completely blanked today when he handed everything out so I completely feel that it is a total fail. Not happy about that. Hopefully tomorrow's test goes better. I'm probably going to study for that after I post this and then knit a little. I want to get more gloves off and hopefully set up a little sale of them. I have a few people interested already after they've seen mine I wear. I can't wait to see if someone buys them.

Anyway, just a little update to prove I'm not dead. lol

Friday, September 9, 2011

Book Review, I haz it!

Legacies (Shadow Grail #1)
A teen befriends four others when the world she knew is flipped upside down after her family dies in a car accident.  While recuperating in the hospital she also finds out that her home has been burned to the ground as well.  She is sent to Oakhurst Academy where she is told she is a Legacy and that means she's a magician.  Her magic hasn't fully manifested like the others but they are able to stop something that has plagued the students of Oakhurst for years.

    I've been looking for a good book for a while and while I've read others, this one makes me want to read more. For me, this was refreshing.  The characters were engaging and the plot fascinating to say the least. From the start I knew something was up in the school that no one was talking about.  And when Spirit and her friends found a compelling clue in the basement I knew something was up even more.  The crew of course ends up saving the day but in a very exciting way.  All in all I just loved this book and can't wait to get my hands on the next!


Le gasp!  A book review!  Yes, I'm doing that now.  I bought a Kindle for class purposes and I couldn't let the opportunity go to waste and not read something other than class work.  I was excited to read this book too because it had one of my favorite authors.  I love how she's dabbled in everything.  

Maybe art to come.  I just haven't been in the mood lately.   Slight art slump because of class.  My silk screens have been giving me hell and there's a possibility that I may have to either buy new ones or get these restretched with new screen material. Restretching is much cheaper and I can ask my teacher to take them for me.  She lives near the place and needs it done as well so it sorta works out. 

I'm tired, a little stressed and sore.  Sore mostly from work.  I need new shoes and inserts because I hurts just to stand for too long in the shoes I have now.  I've worn them that much.  I will be happy to toss them in the trash when the time comes.  Along with my regular shoes as well.  Cracks in the bottoms so water leaks in easily when it rains, the leather is cracked as well and the back are worn as well.  Poor shoes, I'm so hard on them.  They barely last a year sometimes.  

Along with new shoes I just need new clothes period.  I hate spending all that money on clothes but I need a new wardrobe mostly.  I really have maybe 4 pairs of pants that are really comfortable.  So pants are a must and then underthings.  Blah.  

Anyway, on to my pogo games.  Badges are calling my name.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Reviews? Why yes, that is a good idea!

So I've decided the next book I read, after I'm finished I'll post a review.  I'm not going to go back and review the other books that I've read lately because I know I'll mix things up with other books.  I have a habit of mixing plot ideas and what not so it's not a good idea to try and write a review right off the top of my head.

At least I'll have something else to post other than my art that I haven't been posting because I've been unbelievably lazy.  Bad me.

And update sometime soon.  I'm working my way through "My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me."  I love fairy tales and this one has me interested.  So off I go to finish reading this fairy tale collection and possible working on more revamps of some old comic characters.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fair, Projects, and a Little This and That

So.... haven't written in a while because let's face it, I'm lazy.  That's mostly it.  Soooo I decided I'd write about last night a bit.

Mon County had their county fair last night and Traci and I decided to check it out for a bit.  Let's face it, sometimes we just need to get out of the apartment for a while.  We went out to eat, picked a few things up, and then just headed over.  Five dollars for each of us to get into the door, which wasn't so bad really.  Back from our home county it was twice that and that didn't include concerts or anything.  Went to see some small fair stuff then walked around for a bit.  Saw some fair animals, the goats and miniature horses were adorable, got kissed on the hand by a pig or two (the animals is case anyone's train of thought was going else where) and Traci almost got pecked at by a chicken.  Or rooster..... Not quite sure..... Took a little break to sit and have a snow cone (it was in a cup so really a snow cup but who cares!).  Joked around that if Traci played Bingo they'd probably kick her out of the little tent because she'd win all the time.

Fair fooooood.....  I love the smell of most fair foods.  I adore funnel cakes.  It was decided by both Traci and I that we'd get our own because we don't like sharing foods we haven't had in ages.  While waiting in line we met up and talked to one of the girls Traci works with and her boyfriend and it was quite nice really.  It delayed the nommings of the funnel cakes though because since we touched animals we didn't want to eat the funnel cakes without washing our hands.  We said our goodbyes, grabbed a giant thing of cotton candy and headed home.  Nommed half the funnel cake when we got home and funnel cake cravings were set.  At least for now.

Though I'm not sure if I want to try that again.  I had some of the weirdest dreams last night and this morning which caused me to wake up around 7 something and not be able to go back to sleep.  Poo.  After waking up before 7 everyone morning for a while my body thinks only an extra hour is awesome.  Oh well.....  And of course, worst breakfast food ever.  The rest of the funnel cake that I didn't eat last night.  I'm such a horrible person!  I regret nothing!

Interesting news though.  Traci brought a cat down the stairs yesterday when she got home from work.  I've seen her around and so had Traci and the kitty is rail thin.  Soooo we fed her.  Wolfed it down and began purring at us.  We couldn't help it and bought a small thing of cat food after dinner last night and some flea stuff so we could treat her.  She was here when we got home from the fair and she crunched on some food before trying to get back into the apartment.  Silly thing doesn't know yet that if she runs in again she'll get a full on bath before she's allowed to stay long in here.  No joke.

I worked on a project this week just for myself and to see if I can come up with any other project ideas for my advanced class.  I though of trying to work more with color and so far, this project was fun.  I finished it yesterday and loved how the colors interacted.  Bright, bold and fun.  It's mostly a bunch of curvy and curled lines but it's simple and that's what I wanted.  I'll try to have a picture up soon.

The whole thing was slightly delayed though when I went up Monday and found someone had not only used my screen but tried to cover up the fact that they punched a small hole though it by putting emulsion back onto the screen.   I was not amused.  I think I fixed it and it should hold out for a couple months if I'm easy with it.  It had it's first trial run yesterday and the patch worked perfectly.  But if I find out who ever did that to my screen they will pay me for the damages.  My screen, my stuff, no touchie!  RAWR!

The weather seems to be clouding over now.  Don't know for how long.  Storms are in the forecast and I can kind of feel it in the air.  But we'll see how far that'll go.  And a breakfast other than horribly bad for me fair food would be nice.  Maybe Tudor Biscuit World.... Best biscuits ever!  Drooling over it now.  Can't help it!  But we'll see.  It all depends on what Traci wants.

Pictures of things I've been working on to come up at some point in time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Work work work....

As an update to everyone I finally did get a job for the last of the summer.  I am officially an member of House Keeping at the the Marriott hotel here in Morgantown WV.  I must say, we seem to be the cleanest hotel here and top rated.  Amazing right?  lol I just don't care honestly.  It's a job so it's more money than I was making which was nothing.  Soooo minimum wage compared to nada so I can't complain too much.  They will probably be depressed that I'm going to leave as soon as school starts but I can't keep this job and go to classes.  I'd only get maybe an hour to two hours a day and that just doesn't work.  Especially when I'd get paid more than 8 something, close to 9  or more when I go back to the cafe.  The only good thing about housekeeping though is the air conditioning.  lol

I've been doodling a bit but not a lot lately.  The heat wave has totally killed me this week especially since I had to walk in it around 10 and 2-4 which is the hottest part of the day of course.  Not too happy about that.

Anyway.... I have had an idea for a story running through my head about witches' familiars and the such.  I thought it would be an interesting change.  I know there is a series out there about familiars already but I'm kind of intrigued by the idea.  I was even thinking of re-purposing a few of my old comic characters into characters of the stories.  The comics would probably still go on as little inbetweens but I'm not completely sure about it all.

I have almost finished two more cards as well!  I just have to cut them out because I haven't done that yet.  But this makes 15 cards if I haven't said it before.  I'm excited.  I can't wait to work on a few more here soon but I'm hitting an art block so it's kind of hard.  Not too happy about it.  Oh well.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jobless No More!

As of last week I had an interview and was hired for a job starting Tuesday!  I'm pretty excited actually because I haven't had a job yet this summer.  It's not like I hadn't been putting in apps either.  I've put in several of them and all I did was just walk in with this new job and she said come in tomorrow!  I know it's only house keeping at a hotel but it's better than nothing.  I'll be able to actually not have to dip into my savings constantly.  Go me!

I'm 15 cards into my Oracle deck and will probably start posting them here soon.  At least I think I'll want to soon at least.  I'm in love with these cards.  I wish I could get the descriptions done properly because what I have so far isn't going well.

Let's see.... I'm almost done two silk screened cards.  I need the backs of them but I just don't feel like doing them at the moment.

I really need to get started on my idea for a print exchange.  I need to create a landscape and a creature to go with it and start with the ground rules of the exchange.  Possibly look into asking some artists from Deviantart that do prints to create something.  Of course, I'm not keeping it to just prints.  I'm opening it to everyone.

Hm... I also have a slight story idea going on in my head.  I may have to write the ideas down before I forget them.  And I pity many of the comic characters that I've created.  They're going to be in it though it's more serious than I thought to be at first.  More later when I figure more things

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Comics and Weirdness

So I do have a comic for you.  Finally after ages.  I've had these done but not on the computer.  And then I had to fix it and color it and yeah.... I'm just making excuses at this rate.  I haven't had a lot of positive energy behind my working lately so that's probably why I don't really have anything.  It happens sometimes and I just loose focus or inspiration.  I have my beautiful muse but she can only tolerate my arty stuff for only so long. lol

I love my comic characters because they just get into so much.

In other news and weirdness I had gone up to the Creative Arts Center to work on a few things and I got what I needed done, done.  Cleaned a few things out of my drawer, excess prints and what not.  Organized a few things and got my screen exposed.  So I got that done.  Seeing as there was nothing else I could do at the moment I headed back.  Between the CAC and my apartment is the PRT station.  If you don't know what it is, goody for you.  It's evil and old and just horrible all over though I depend on it a lot.

And omg, we even have a wiki for it!  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgantown_Personal_Rapid_Transit Unbelievable and totally laughable.

Anyway, this isn't about the PRT.  I was walking past the PRT and someone was walking toward me.  I had my fiance's ipod on like I usually do because I don't like to walk without something playing in the background.  Well this person looked like she was going to talk to me or ask me a question so I paused and took my headphones out.

"Who do you think you are for telling them about me?"  *me blinking and looking highly confused* "You had no right to tell them about.  Especially since you are walking around like the prostitute that you are!"  *me looking even more confused, saying nothing and deciding that I'm just going to walk away at this point while putting in my headphones once again and turning up the music to something by Owl City*

She continued the rant and I didn't get it all because let's face it, who'd want to be ranted at like that?  Well, I did turn around when I hit the cross walk and she was waving her coffee mug at me and still ranting at me from all the way back where I left her.

Geez..... I thought I was off but that was just a little too much!  *huffs*  I most certainly am not a prostitute either!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Something Old

So, not a lot new for me to post.  I didn't get one job I was interviewed for but that's not a huge shocker there.  I expected it.  Thanks to anyone who was hoping for me to get it.  I really appreciate it.

Anyway,  a bit of art here and there was done.  I admit, I read fanfiction and enjoy a good bit of it.  I found one on DeviantArt by chance that I found interesting and started doing fan art for.  I couldn't help but be inspired.  So I got two done and a lot of people have liked it.  It boosted my mood a bit so I'm ok with not getting a job.

Now, onto something old.  A comic that I just find amusing. It was for a project for class I had and the theme was Apocalypse. I chose Random Bunny because he's just so much fun to draw. By far he and Tea are my favorite characters. 

Anyway..... RB loves to rant and he is perfect for it.  And when the apocalypse failed his swearing was just fun to come up with!

Yes, be amazed at my poor comic style/coloring.  But it's mine so nyah!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Untitled story Preview

So ages ago I started writing a story inspired by Indigo children mostly.  If you know about Indigo children kudos to you.  For those of you who don't then here it is.  Indigo children are thought to be a generation or generations of children whom have a higher than normal psychic abilities.  Usually they grow out of it but sometimes the abilities stick with them.  I thought of a world where they found children with these abilities and offered them the chance to train and use their abilities for good.  Anyway, it has to title of the such because it is just so hard to think of one that's appropriate because I'm not sure if this will even get finished.

Please, enjoy this snippet. It's just the first chapter but it's still something.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I swear I have stuff!

So, I'm still alive and home for the weekend.  A fabulous three day weekend that is my Birthday.  Joy of joys right?  I'm another year older and yet I don't feel any wiser. lol

I've been working a bit on some art, but not a lot.  I don't seem to feel like working but I know I should push myself to at least do a little here and there.  Whether it be writing or drawing.  Or even reading over a few things to fix mistakes.  Doing something is still doing something.

I did accomplish making a comic the other day and I really kind of want to get it up at some point.  All of them because A lot of people love them.  And I can't help but love Random Bunny.  He's amusing because he can say what I'm thinking and no one really cares.  He's a cartoon!  lol

I've begun to think about maybe posting snippets of an old fiction story that I'd started years ago here.  The only reason I'd do that is maybe it might help me get into finishing it.  I've been no where near it for years and personally I would like to share with a few people to see what comes of it.  And maybe I'd draw a scene or two from the story.  I've gotten better with drawing since then and would like to test it out.  We'll see though.  Nothing is ever really final with me.

Now, back to my book!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A little more art, a little less self esteem....

So, in the past two days I have been working more on some pieces of art.  A critter I sketched out a few days ago while at work that I find completely adorable and posted here earlier.  It is not a lovely burgundy color.

Not so happy with the background I believe but it's mostly likely going to change sometimes in the future.  I'm hoping that I can get as detailed with the rest of the critter like I have around the eye.

I've also been working on my cards as well.  But right now I seem to have hit a slight art slump because I've been so tired.

The past couple of nights I haven't been sleeping well.  Last night I'm sure I saw several points of the clock and I know I was tired at work.  I feel asleep on the couch last night but still couldn't sleep deeply enough in bed.

Yesterday was my interview for a summer job.  I feel like I've completely bombed the blasted thing and maybe the only thing I got right was sending information in for the background check.  And low and behold, it's another kitchen job.  I need to start pushing applications for jobs for the next year seeing as this is coming up on my final year of college.  I'd love to get a position in a job that, I don't know, studied for!  I really need to get into printmaking or just finish my card series and get those published.  That or make it big somehow with art.

This is the time I wish I could animate or something.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Have I done anything?

Why no..... I honestly don't think I've done a lot art wise.  Not even  much of much and that's partly because I've just felt drained it seems.  Last night I didn't sleep to well but I feel creative, unfortunately for me I've started drawing but I can't seem to finish them.  I haven't had time to go to the studio either because of work.  By the time I'm done I don't have time to go up there to do any printing and I'm kinda missing it.  I know I have a Yudu (a whole huge story as to why I'm not to fond of using that tool some time in the future) but it's not really the same and I feel I've wasted a hundred dollars on something I think I've used..... what..... three times?

Anyway..... back to what I may or may not have done creatively.  I have finished another set of gloves.  The blush gloves are done, but I started the moss gloves and have one done.  That's actually exciting because that means I'm on my way to finishing gloves!  And possibly selling them soon.  A little extra is always nice.  I'm just depressed because I have not figured out how to stagger colors, like zigzags in my knitting yet.  I'm such a looooser. lol

I need to work on cards, I've got three or four actually set up.  They're sketched out but not fully put on the cards but for two.  The phoenix I may work on more tonight because it's kinda calling me at the moment.

Anyway, I'm kind of nervous at the moment because I have a job interview tomorrow at the hospital across the street from my apartment.  I'm not completely sure how it will go across because I have no clue what to expect from this interview or the job.  I know it's a dietary job just I don't know if I'll be just filling trays of food or actually taking the trays to the rooms or something.  Totally nervous.  But I'm going to try my best.  I need something to help keep me surviving this summer.  What I'm making for seven days of work at the cafe just isn't going to cut it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I have been working on a set of gloves I have dubbed the Blush fingerless glove series.  Go knitting!  lol Anyway.... I've only just begun to finish them.  I'm on my last set of the gloves and I'm adding a bit more than normal of the other gloves.  I gave them slots for fingers instead of just the plain opening at the top and I'm hoping I can get the bottom to be a bit more snug.  But I don't know if the bottom will work out.  It's hard to get your hand into them with the bottom so I'll have to play around a bit more.

I'm excited to have them almost finished.  I wanted to start on another set of gloves but I wouldn't let myself do that until I'd finished the ones I started.  At least I'm using my stash up.  I'll try to have a picture of the whole blush set soon.  I don't have an awesome camera like my fiance does.  Soooo, no pictures yet.

And for any of you wondering out there.  I do plan on selling these.  I'm building a small foundation of stuff to sell on Etsy soon.  I have plarn (yarn made from plastic bags, yeah, crazy I know!), it's all brown but I plan on making white soon.  And these gloves.  I need more items and hope to work on it soon but at least everyone knows now that I have more than drawing under my thumb!  I've got knitting!

Monday, June 20, 2011


So, I finally found some time to actually sketch a bit.  Not with my Bamboo tablet, but that I don't care about because let's face it, everyone needs a little time with just a pencil and paper.  I love my little tablet but I felt good with a pencil in my hand finally.

It was break time for me at work and I had fifteen to twenty minutes and came up with two basics sketches for my line of oracle cards I've been working on for a while.  I can't wait to really start in on them because I'm working on the Phoenix now and have the hourglass started.  With these two last sketches I'll have the Sword master and the key.  I have a long way to go before I really finish any of these.  And no peekies at them until I'm further along and my fantastic girlfriend has helped me with decisions.  I also like to have a silk screened print done as well before I decide to post them.  Sorry folks.

The second sketch of mine is a little odd sketch that was done in my usual type way.  I just created a little creature that I feel in love with.  Fuzzy and cute.  Gonna love those two details till the end.  I plan on trying to do the outlining with the bamboo sometime soon to try and give it color because I know that I'll feel it needs more.  That and I would ink it on the paper but that paper wasn't the best sooooo computer is better at the moment.

  I think it's cute.  I hope I'm not the only one....

Friday, June 17, 2011

So starts the Madness

After seeing how well my girlfriend's blogs have done I decided to try my hand at a blog.  I may not be as great as her but it's something.

In this journal I'll probably try to update with a comic strip or something of the sort.  Maybe every other day I'll have a picture that I've sketched that day or I've done a bit earlier.  I just want to share a bit with a little story or so that could go with it.

Yes, the kitty from behind the post is a comic character of mine.  Meet Rav, a mischievous feline whom likes explosions and confusing the tar out of those around her.  She was based off of me and I think is more of my more impulsive side of myself.  If I get a few comics done, you'll see.

Unfortunately nothing in this post.  I'm all done out at the moment.  But thank you for reading my lowly will blog.